
My work mixes software engineering, data engineering, business intelligence and data science.
I write code and work with lots of data.

Focus Area

The focus area of my work is on all things data. I do both research and development of any technology involved with the collection, processing or distribution of data to people when they need it.

Database Design

Highly efficient databases designed for scale. Data normalization to reduce redundancy, correct field types and constraints to ensure data quality.


Mobile friendly easy to use and secure. Streamline business operations from anywhere. CRM, Asset Management, Messaging, E-Commerce and much more.

Data Warehouses

Database specifically designed for analytics. Connect to a data visualization software. Find the patterns in data and make better decisions.

Data Pipelines

Automatically capture data from a myriad of sources and deliver it to a destination database. Perform ETL, fill a data warehouse or keep multiple databases in sync.

Data Migration

Import / Export data from one system to another. Manipulate data so it is properly formatted for the destination. Enrich a database with additional data to have a more detailed data set.

Data Quality

Ensure quality via data cleaning, validation and database constraints. Data governance to ensure data quality standards.


Interactive dashboards, automated reporting, self-service downloads and data visualization tools for business intelligence.

Machine Learning

Python based machine learning models for predictive analytics, recommendation systems, segmentation or detecting churn.


Integrate software with other systems via APIs to provide added functionality and data. Using industry standard authentication and security.